Wednesday, April 8, 2009

The "Secret" To Weight Loss

Most individuals looking to loose weight are trying to find that "one" secret that will help them to loose the unwanted weight and keep it off. Well, please allow me to help you. You do not have to invest in a fat loss product. You don't have to count calories. (Let's be honest most people are not going to track and total their calories everyday.)

The secret is simple... PORTION CONTROL. The problem with most in reaching their target goals and maintaining it is improper portion control. The average american will eat until the point of being stuffed. You know that feeling you get like you cannot eat another bite and you now need to go to sleep.

But we don't realize what we are doing to our bodies when we eat like this. If we are honest we do eat like this majority of the time. Our bodies were designed to take in nutrients and process them. Once it has processed what it needs for energy and to sustain itself, the body will eliminate the waste and store the rest. This last part is where we have the problem. What is stored becomes fat. Understand the body needs a certain amount of fat on it. Contrary to popular belief, some bodyfat is a good thing.

So what is the proper portion control? It is that you eat only to the point of satisfaction. That point where you are not feeling that "hunger-pain" any longer. For some this may be a state of mind. This means that some times we allow our eyes and our desire for the food to control our eating.

There are some that will tell you to drink lots of water during or before a meal to "fill" you up so that you do not eat as much.
I do not recommend this method. You are only filing your stomach with empty calories which does not benefit your body in obtaining the nutrients that it needs. So as soon as you feel that point of satisfaction STOP EATING. Save the rest for later. Your body is very smart it will tell you when it has had enough.

Whenever you give the body more than what it needs it will only do what it was designed to do. It will process, eliminate and store. So when you give it more than what you are using then you get the only result possible... Excess weight gain.
Yes you will find with this method of eating that within about 2 1/2 to 3 hours you will be hungry again. This is a good thing.

You then eat again with the same focus of eating to the point of satisfaction and then stopping. Doing this will also increase your metabolism which helps you to loose bodyfat as well. Tie this together with a good exercise program and you have a GREAT combination for maximum weight loss and maximum muscle retention.

So remember keep it simple, take it slow and you will reach your body perfection.

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