Thursday, January 8, 2009

Carb or Not to Carb

One question that constantly comes up and is talked about and read about is Carbohydrates better known as "carbs". Unfortunately most have been either made to fear carbs or make it so confusing that most will just give up trying to understand it.
I will try and make this as simple and painless as possible. Not all carbs are "evil" it is all about what the carbs do inside your body. Meaning if the Carbs burn too fast in your system or if they burn slowly.
You may be asking, "why does it matter?" The simple idea is this... Carbs that burn fast in your system never gives your body time to properly digest them thereby turning into energy that can be burned. So the body takes this as a sign to say "whatever is not burned I will store away" and we know that means... Fat, fat and more fat.
Those carbs that burn slowly does exactly the opposite. It will take those "good" carbs that you put into your body and begin to slowly digest and process it and turn it into helpful energy. This energy gives you what you need to make it through day to day routines and get that almighty, intensive life saving exercise routine in.
Carbs are needed and necessary for the body to live and grow and to stay healthy. Don't allow anyone to tell you different. Also know this that when you needlessly deprive your body of carbs in the hopes and desire to loose weight beware of the backlash. What I mean is that after you have reached that "ideal" size that you may be looking for and you start to eat carbs again, Your body goes into overtime trying to hold on to every little bit that you eat and you find yourself gaining back the weight that you lost and gaining it twice as fast.
So what do you do??? It is simple and dependent upon your goal. If you are following my philosophy that "slow and steady" wins the race. Then anything with refined sugar in it you start to eliminate from your everyday eating habit. This means if you are use to having a large piece of cake after your dinner then cut that in half. Until you can do without feeling the need that you "have to have it". This also goes for products made from white flour. Try switching to wheat and or whole grain products.
I will list below some of the foods from both groups you can also look online and find and even more comprehensive list, but remember to keep it simple. Keeping it simple will help you to stick to the new lifestyle of eating.
Spinach, whole barley, grapefruit, turnip greens, buckwheat, apples, lettuce, prunes, water cress, oat bran bread, dried apricots, zucchini, oatmeal, pears, asparagus, oat bran cereal, plums, artichokes,strawberries, okra, wild rice, oranges, cabbage, brown rice, yams, celery, multi-grain bread, carrots, cucumbers, pinto beans, potatoes, dill pickles, low fat yogurt, soybeans, skim milk, radishes, lentils, broccoli, navy beans, garbanzo beans, sprouts, cauliflower, kidney beans, eggplant, soy milk, onions, split peas...


Table sugar, corn syrup, fruit juice, candy, cake, pasta made with white flour, soda pop, all baked goods made with white flour, most packaged cereals, honey, whole milk, yogurt, jams...

I hope that this information will help you in reaching your body perfection. God bless!!!

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