Monday, January 5, 2009

The Secret to Sticking With Fat Loss

There is a major secret to sticking to your fat loss goals and that is to take it slow and steady. Yes that is correct "slow and steady". Fast is not always the best way to go because what it really does is to cause you to loose a lot of needed lean muscle tissue which is your best friend in beating the fat. What most do not understand especially women is that it is a must to add lean muscle. Most woman fear that they are going to look like men. This is just not true. A woman can add and devlope shapely muscle that would give them the look that they are really are looking for. Okay enough of my rant on building muscle because I think that you get the point.
Another reason for taking your time is to help prevent the "sagging". The reason that you see someone who has lost a great deal of weight and they have a lot of sagging skin is that it happened to rappidly. The skin that has been stretched out due to the weight gain does not have time to tighten back up. Now it is true that as you get older that the skin has lost a lot of its ability to shrink back, but it is still very possible. Another reason to take it slow is the "binges". The binges is what happens when you try to either cut out or stop eating those things that may have been unhealthy for you all at once. Then your body and mind that had become literally addicted to these foods start throwing fits and then you find yourself "going to town" on these foods not just once but contiuously and then before you know it you are back to the old habits.
So even here in this area; slow and steady is the way to go. It allows your body and mind to adjust to its new way of living and eating. This is about a lifestyle change not a quick fix. When you become use to the lifestyle it can make it harder to back to the old ways. So take your time, take it slow and stay consistant and you will beat the battle of the unwanted bulge. Good luck to you in your journey and God bless!

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