Saturday, July 4, 2009

Boot Camp Part 3

Boot Camp Part 2

Boot Camp Session

In today's times there are those that are still looking to get in shape. The problem is that most either don't want or have the extra time to spend hours at a time in the gym. Here is one possible solution. A good boot camp class. Most boot camp classes are designed to be fun but intense.
They are setup to get the maximum amount of training in a short but reasonable amount of time. Now don't allow anyone to fool you. Even with a good boot camp class you still need to monitor your eating habits and I suggest going to this type of class at least 2-3 times a week to get the maximum benefits that this type of training can offer you.
There are many types of boot camp classes out there, so make sure to choose one that best fits you. This way you are more likely to keep going. Not enjoying what you are doing will spell disaster for you and your body perfection goals.
I will post a few clips showing one of my classes to give you an idea what you may be in for. Enjoy!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

The "Secret" To Weight Loss

Most individuals looking to loose weight are trying to find that "one" secret that will help them to loose the unwanted weight and keep it off. Well, please allow me to help you. You do not have to invest in a fat loss product. You don't have to count calories. (Let's be honest most people are not going to track and total their calories everyday.)

The secret is simple... PORTION CONTROL. The problem with most in reaching their target goals and maintaining it is improper portion control. The average american will eat until the point of being stuffed. You know that feeling you get like you cannot eat another bite and you now need to go to sleep.

But we don't realize what we are doing to our bodies when we eat like this. If we are honest we do eat like this majority of the time. Our bodies were designed to take in nutrients and process them. Once it has processed what it needs for energy and to sustain itself, the body will eliminate the waste and store the rest. This last part is where we have the problem. What is stored becomes fat. Understand the body needs a certain amount of fat on it. Contrary to popular belief, some bodyfat is a good thing.

So what is the proper portion control? It is that you eat only to the point of satisfaction. That point where you are not feeling that "hunger-pain" any longer. For some this may be a state of mind. This means that some times we allow our eyes and our desire for the food to control our eating.

There are some that will tell you to drink lots of water during or before a meal to "fill" you up so that you do not eat as much.
I do not recommend this method. You are only filing your stomach with empty calories which does not benefit your body in obtaining the nutrients that it needs. So as soon as you feel that point of satisfaction STOP EATING. Save the rest for later. Your body is very smart it will tell you when it has had enough.

Whenever you give the body more than what it needs it will only do what it was designed to do. It will process, eliminate and store. So when you give it more than what you are using then you get the only result possible... Excess weight gain.
Yes you will find with this method of eating that within about 2 1/2 to 3 hours you will be hungry again. This is a good thing.

You then eat again with the same focus of eating to the point of satisfaction and then stopping. Doing this will also increase your metabolism which helps you to loose bodyfat as well. Tie this together with a good exercise program and you have a GREAT combination for maximum weight loss and maximum muscle retention.

So remember keep it simple, take it slow and you will reach your body perfection.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Carb or Not to Carb

One question that constantly comes up and is talked about and read about is Carbohydrates better known as "carbs". Unfortunately most have been either made to fear carbs or make it so confusing that most will just give up trying to understand it.
I will try and make this as simple and painless as possible. Not all carbs are "evil" it is all about what the carbs do inside your body. Meaning if the Carbs burn too fast in your system or if they burn slowly.
You may be asking, "why does it matter?" The simple idea is this... Carbs that burn fast in your system never gives your body time to properly digest them thereby turning into energy that can be burned. So the body takes this as a sign to say "whatever is not burned I will store away" and we know that means... Fat, fat and more fat.
Those carbs that burn slowly does exactly the opposite. It will take those "good" carbs that you put into your body and begin to slowly digest and process it and turn it into helpful energy. This energy gives you what you need to make it through day to day routines and get that almighty, intensive life saving exercise routine in.
Carbs are needed and necessary for the body to live and grow and to stay healthy. Don't allow anyone to tell you different. Also know this that when you needlessly deprive your body of carbs in the hopes and desire to loose weight beware of the backlash. What I mean is that after you have reached that "ideal" size that you may be looking for and you start to eat carbs again, Your body goes into overtime trying to hold on to every little bit that you eat and you find yourself gaining back the weight that you lost and gaining it twice as fast.
So what do you do??? It is simple and dependent upon your goal. If you are following my philosophy that "slow and steady" wins the race. Then anything with refined sugar in it you start to eliminate from your everyday eating habit. This means if you are use to having a large piece of cake after your dinner then cut that in half. Until you can do without feeling the need that you "have to have it". This also goes for products made from white flour. Try switching to wheat and or whole grain products.
I will list below some of the foods from both groups you can also look online and find and even more comprehensive list, but remember to keep it simple. Keeping it simple will help you to stick to the new lifestyle of eating.
Spinach, whole barley, grapefruit, turnip greens, buckwheat, apples, lettuce, prunes, water cress, oat bran bread, dried apricots, zucchini, oatmeal, pears, asparagus, oat bran cereal, plums, artichokes,strawberries, okra, wild rice, oranges, cabbage, brown rice, yams, celery, multi-grain bread, carrots, cucumbers, pinto beans, potatoes, dill pickles, low fat yogurt, soybeans, skim milk, radishes, lentils, broccoli, navy beans, garbanzo beans, sprouts, cauliflower, kidney beans, eggplant, soy milk, onions, split peas...


Table sugar, corn syrup, fruit juice, candy, cake, pasta made with white flour, soda pop, all baked goods made with white flour, most packaged cereals, honey, whole milk, yogurt, jams...

I hope that this information will help you in reaching your body perfection. God bless!!!

Monday, January 5, 2009

What's My Real Goal

In this session I want to talk about something that is very important in reaching your body perfection. It is a question that you must be able to answer in my opinion even before you set foot in a gym or begin any type of home regiment. And that question is.... "What is your goal in training?"
I know this question sounds simple but it is one that I have found most do not consider. Most will just tell you that they want to get in shape. Okay... that is fine. But, what does that mean? In order to truly reach your body perfection you have to be able to answer this question with more than, "I want to get in shape". What ever your goal is will determine "how" you train. If you want to get ready for a mini marathon then you do not train like a golfer. If you want to get in shape so that you can play more with the grandchildren then you do not have to train like a wrestler. I use these extremes because the goal that you want to attain will determine what is needed for your training. Any "real" trainer worth his or her weight will ask you this before they start you on a training regiment.
If your goal is to strengthen your hip after a major surgery then your trainer should not have you trying to run sprints. So, you have to ask yourself what is it that you truly want to achieve. You do not have to be "solid muscle" with so many cuts that they could use your body for an anatomy chart to be in shape. Now if that is your goal that is a different story but for most this is not the case. For most they want to loose weight in order to improve their way of life and relieve the stress on their heart and joints. You will still have to work and work hard but you do not have to go overboard.
So going forward think about what your true goal is and remember a true and realistic goal is one that you can do for the rest of your life. So be smart, keep it simple and stay consistent. And you WILL reach your body perfection. God bless!!!

The Secret to Sticking With Fat Loss

There is a major secret to sticking to your fat loss goals and that is to take it slow and steady. Yes that is correct "slow and steady". Fast is not always the best way to go because what it really does is to cause you to loose a lot of needed lean muscle tissue which is your best friend in beating the fat. What most do not understand especially women is that it is a must to add lean muscle. Most woman fear that they are going to look like men. This is just not true. A woman can add and devlope shapely muscle that would give them the look that they are really are looking for. Okay enough of my rant on building muscle because I think that you get the point.
Another reason for taking your time is to help prevent the "sagging". The reason that you see someone who has lost a great deal of weight and they have a lot of sagging skin is that it happened to rappidly. The skin that has been stretched out due to the weight gain does not have time to tighten back up. Now it is true that as you get older that the skin has lost a lot of its ability to shrink back, but it is still very possible. Another reason to take it slow is the "binges". The binges is what happens when you try to either cut out or stop eating those things that may have been unhealthy for you all at once. Then your body and mind that had become literally addicted to these foods start throwing fits and then you find yourself "going to town" on these foods not just once but contiuously and then before you know it you are back to the old habits.
So even here in this area; slow and steady is the way to go. It allows your body and mind to adjust to its new way of living and eating. This is about a lifestyle change not a quick fix. When you become use to the lifestyle it can make it harder to back to the old ways. So take your time, take it slow and stay consistant and you will beat the battle of the unwanted bulge. Good luck to you in your journey and God bless!

Make a Decision

To begin your journey on the road to body perfection there is a key thing that you must have. Having this key and making it a part of your life will not only help you to achieve body perfection but this same key if applied will help you to conquer each and every obstacle in your life. Even the ones that have seemed to have already knocked you on your butt.
Here is the key.... If applied it will never fail you... Are you ready?
I know that you are saying to yourself; "Is he for real?" Yes I am. Whatever you need to do it all boils down to making a decision to do it. We often don't attain our goals or as I like to say our targets in life because we don't make a decision about what it is that we want to do. If you truly make that decision then you will share it with others especially those that will hold you accountable to it. Sometime it is taking those steps that will give us the victory that we so desperatly desire. It will make us go for that extra repetiontion, it will makes do those excercises even when we don't "feel" like it. It will make us stay away from that extra piece of dessert or whatever other vices that we may be battling in our war in obtaining the promise land of body perfection.
So take a long look at yourself in the mirror and tell the person that you see that you have made a decision and whether you like it or not I will reach the promise land of body perfection.

The Road to Body Pefection

On the road to body perfection... The first thing that you have to realize is that there is no such thing as a perfect body only that there is a perfect body for you. This means that you have to allow your body to tell you when it feels good where it is. It will let you know when it feels healthy and strong and it will tell when it is not. Every person's body is unique. Learn to listen to its likes and dislikes. Your body will never lie to you and it will never lead you astray.